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Everything I Ever Learnt - Cambridge University

28/03/2019 - 03/05/19


Everything I Ever Learnt.

Visual communication is (generally) the first form of communication we encounter. Everything I Ever Learnt –everything I have seen, felt, remembered, everything, influences and informs every thought I will ever have.

That image reminds me of something. It ignites a small flame that lights my way through the filing system of my mind. It brings me eventually to the hint of a memory, and that memory guides my interpretation of the image, influences my reaction, connects my thoughts and feelings, and threads them together, binding them into a new collection, to be drawn upon the next time something familiar arises.

Seen through your eyes, I still see it differently. Perhaps I notice something you don’t. That’s part of the beauty of photography, and the importance of sharing.


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Mirades Interiors 

22/11/2018 - 18/01/2019


L’Associació Fotogràfica de Sant Cugat del Vallès – Qgat Foto organitza del 22 de novembre de 2018 al 3 de març de 2019 la 3a edició Biennal de Fotografia d’autor. Enguany comptem amb 6 espais expositius que acollen a 12 propostes expositives d’autors Catalans.


Es podrà visitar l’obra dels fotògrafs: Anna Jornet, Bernat Millet, Carles Cabanas, Enric Curto, Helen Turnbull, Jordi Camí, Llorenç Pié, Manel Simón, Manel Úbeda, Miquel Abat, Nagore Giménez i Òscar Bayona.

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